Resposta :
⇒⇒ Past continuous
2- I was sleeping when the telephone rang.
Eu estava dormindo quando o telefone tocou.
3- It was raining when they left home.
Estava chovendo quando eles saíram de casa.
4- We were eating when you entered the kitchen.
Nós estávamos comendo quando você entrou na cozinha.
5- Jane was waiting for the bus when I saw her.
Jane estava esperando o ônibus quando eu a vi.
6- He was eating while we were singing.
Ele estava comendo enquanto nós estávamos cantando.
7- You were sleeping while they were working.
Você estava dormindo enquanto nós estávamos trabalhando.
8- She was telephoning while I was arriving.
Ela estava telefonando enquanto eu estava chegando.
⇒⇒ Past continuous >> usado para falarmos de situações que estavam acontecendo no passado ao mesmo tempo em que outro fato acontecia ou tinha acabado de acontecer.
was - usado com I - he - she - it
were - usado com we - you - they
when >> segunda parte da frase deverá estar no passado
while >> segunda parte da frase deverá estar no past continuous
sujeito + was - were + sujeito + verbo -ing
I was studying when James called me.
We were cleaning the living room while you were watching TV.
was - were + sujeito + verbo -ing
Were the kids watching TV when John called?
Was Susan working?
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