
1) As frases abaixo estão escritas na forma
afirmativa Use a forma para nega-las. Faça
as duas maneiras possíveis
a) It can happen with you too
b) My sister can dance with you
c) He can walk alone at night
d) She can speak or lype in English
e) Ann can play the violin very well​

Resposta :

⇒⇒  Can  >>>   negative form

a) It can happen with you too.

   It can't happen with you too.

   It cannot  happen with you too.

b) My sister can dance with you.

   My sister can't dance with you.

   My sister cannot dance with you.

c) He can walk alone at night.

   He can't walk alone at night.

   He cannot walk alone at night.

d) She can speak or type in English.

   She can't speak or type in English.

   She cannot speak or type in English.

e) Ann can play the violin very well​.

   Ann can't play the violin very well​.

   Ann cannot play the violin very well​.

⇒⇒ Verb ''to can'' >>>   poder / conseguir / ter habilidade

Affirmative >> can + verbo

The kids can play soccer on the weekends.

David can drive a motorcycle.

Negative >> can + not + verbo (can not = can't or cannot)

I cannot speak Greek.

They can't visit their grandparents.

Interrogative >> can + sujeito + verbo

Can you do me a favor?

Can Susan dance ballet?

Learn more

→→ brainly.com.br/tarefa/25456742

→→ brainly.com.br/tarefa/25251903

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