
Assinale a alternativa com o “Simple Present”

1- You…………………………..every Saturday. ( play – plays )

2- That girl………………………….her mother at night. (help – helps )

3- The students…………………..the book. ( buy – buys )

4- My friends……………………….football on Sundays. ( watch – watches )

5- I………………………..coffee. ( like – likes )

6- The boys…………………………..coke. ( drinks – drink )

7- The girl……………………….on Saturday. ( sleep – sleeps )

Complete com Simple Present.

8- I…………………… TV at night. (to watch)

9- My friend………………………Math on Tuesday. (to study)

10- The children………………….tennis at afternoon. (to play)

11- Peter……………………..every year. (to travel)

12- My father………………………….Canada at university. ( to study)

12- Assinale a sentença com estrutura de Simple Present.

(A) My friends are walking now.

(B) Many people travel every year.

(C) I am studying Portuguese.

(D) We are happy.

13- No Simple Present que alternativa completa a lacuna,

- Julie and Beth………………………….their friends at night.

(A) is helping

(B) helps

(C) help

(D) are helping

Resposta :

Como o próprio nome já diz, o Simple Present é utilizado para indicar ações que ocorrem no tempo presente.

Quando trabalhamos com os pronomes I, you, we e they, iremos usar o verbo normalmente (na base form).

E quando nos referimos à 3ª pessoa do singular (he, she, it)?

Para esses casos, devemos seguir algumas regras, veja:

  • verbos com final "-o", "-z", "-ss", "-ch", "-sh", "-x":

devemos acrescentar o sufixo "es". Ex: does, teaches, washes.

  • verbos terminados em consoante + "y":

retiramos o "y", e adicionamos ies. Ex: study - studies.

  • verbos terminados em vogal + "y" e os outros casos:

acrescentamos "s". Ex: plays, runs, walks, sends.

Sabendo de tudo isso, vamos resolver o seu exercício:

Primeira parte (1 a 12):

  1. You....play....every Saturday. (you)
  2. That girl...helps...her mother at night. (she)
  3. The students ...buy... the book. (they)
  4. My friends...watch... football on Sundays. (they)
  5. I....like... coffee. (I)
  6. The boys ...drink... coke. (they)
  7. The girl ...sleeps... on Saturday. (she)
  8. I ....watch.... TV at night. (I)
  9. My friend ....studies Math on Tuesday. (he → 2ª regra)
  10. The children ....play... tennis at afternoon. (they)
  11. Peter ...travels... every year. (he → 2ª regra)
  12. My father ...studies... Canada at university. (he → 2ª regra)

Questão 12:

Vamos analisar cada alternative e explicar porque estão incorretas:

(A) errada, usa present continuous

(B) correta.

(C) errada, usa present continuous.

(D) errada, não possui verbo.

Questão 13:

Julie and Beth………………………….their friends at night.

O pronome que se refere à Julie e Beth é elas (they), então o verbo fica na base form (não muda).

Alternativa correta: (C) help.

Aprenda mais sobre Simple Present nos links abaixo:



Frases negativas usando o Simple Past:


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