
Passe para as formas interrogativa e negativa as seguintes frases:
1. John plays football.
2. They study in the morning.
3. We watch television at night.
4. Those girls dance well.
5. She drinks coffee.

Resposta :

Para formar frases interrogativas no presente simples em inglês precisamos adicionar Do ou Does antes do sujeito da frase. Usamos does quando o pronome do sujeito é he, she e it e do usamos quando é I, you, we, you e they. Exemplo:

Anna likes her sister

Interrogativa: Does Anna likes her sister?

Agora para formar frases na forma negativa adicione do not ou does not depois do sujeito: Exemplo:

Anna likes her sister

Negativa: Anna do not like her sister

As respostas então ficam assim:

1. John plays football.

Does jhon plays football?

John do not plays football.

2. They study in the morning.

Do they study english?

They do not study english.

3. We watch television at night.

Do they watch television?

They do not watch television.

4. Those girls dance well.

Do those girls dance well?

Those girls do not dance well.

5. She drinks coffee.

Does she drinks coffee?

She do not drinks coffee.

Bons estudos.