
pfv alguém me ajuda Questão 4 °) (UEFS BA/2013) 1 The idea of “cittaslow” or “slow cities” was inspired 2 by the Slow Food movement, and it was started by the 3 mayor of the small Italian town of Greve in Chianti. The 4 aim of slow cities is to make our towns places where 5 people enjoy living and working, and where they value 6 and protect the things that make the town different. 7 Towns that want to become a Slow City have to reduce 8 traffic and noise, increase the number of green areas, 9 plant trees, build pedestrian areas, and promote local 10 businesses and traditions. 11 Many other small towns in Italy have joined the 12 movement, and it has spread to other countries all over 13 the world. Aylsham in the UK recently became a slow 14 city, and most people are delighted. 15 “Slow cities are about having a community life in 16 the town, so people don’t come home from work, shut 17 their doors and that’s it,” said a local resident. “It is not 18 ‘slow’ as in ‘stupid.’ It is ‘slow’ as in the opposite of 19 ‘frantic’ and ‘stressful.’ It is about quality of life.” 20 But not everybody in Aylsham is happy. For 21 teenagers, who have to go 25 kilometers to Norwich, the 22 nearest city, to buy tennis shoes or CDs, living in a slow 23 city is not very attractive. “It’s all right here,” says Lewis 24 Cook, 16. “But if you want excitement, you have to go to 25 Norwich. We need more things here for young people.” Oxenden, C. & Latham-Koenig, C. American English File, Student Book, p. 71. “Towns that want to become a Slow City have to reduce traffic and noise” (Refs. 7-8). The verb phrase “have to” can be replaced, without any change of meaning, by
A ) Can
B ) Would
C ) Must
D ) Shall