
Aap2 - Língua Inglesa III
2) Leia os enunciados a seguir:
I. The soup was _____ spicy for me to eat.
II. I was _____ tired that I could not leave the house.
III. Everybody wants to find a _______ interesting, handsome and intelligent boyfriend.
IV. Thank you, dear, that was good ______.

Assinale a alternativa cujas palavras preenchem corretamente as lacunas das sentenças de I a IV:

a)too ¿ so ¿ rather ¿ enough.
b)enough ¿ so ¿ quite ¿ rather.
c)rather ¿ very ¿ quite ¿ such.
d)too ¿ very ¿ rather ¿ enough. Assinatura correta
e) enough ¿ so ¿ enough ¿ rather.