alguem pode mim ajudar por favor

Centenas: hundred
100 - one hundred
200 - two hundred
300 - three hundred
400 - four hundred
500 - five hundred
600 - six hundred
700 - seven hundred
800 - eight hundred
900 - nine hundred
Milhar: thousand
1000 - one thousand
2000 - two thousand
3000 - three thousand
4000 - four thousand
5000 - five thousand
6000 - six thousand
7000 - seven thousand
8000 - eight thousand
9000 - nine thousand
Milhões: million
1000000 - one million
2000000 - two million
3000000 - three million
4000000 - four million
5000000 - five million
6000000 - six million
7000000 - seven million
8000000 - eight million
9000000 - nine million
1357 - one thousand, three hundred and fifty-seven
2489 - two thousand, four hundred and eighty-nine
R: two thousand four hundred and eighty nine
A sua primeira resposta infelizmente está errada, na verdade a resposta correta é: one thousand thee hundred and fifty seven.
Milion- É a casa dos mihões, ex: dois milhões, sete milhões, etc..
Thousand- Casa dos milhares, Ex: três mil, quatro mil, etc..
Hundred- Casa das centenas, Ex: duzentos, quatrocentos, etc..
Então, podemos responder, two thousand four hundred and eighty nine= dois mil quatrocentos e oitenta e nove.