Resposta :
⇒⇒ Past continuous >> While - When
1- Combine as orações entre as colunas a e b,usando WHEN ou WHILE
Jennifer was watching TV when the lights went off.
Mom cut her finger when she was making lunch.
The boy was running when he fell down and got hunt
We were going to the beach while they were coming back
Our bus was leaving while she was parking her car
⇒⇒ Past Continuous >> descreve ações que estavam acontecendo no passado ao mesmo tempo em que outro fato acontecia ou tinha acabado de acontecer.
when >> quando (liga duas frases com algo que acontecia + algo que aconteceu)
while >> enquanto (liga duas frases com algo que acontecia + algo que estava acontecendo ao mesmo tempo
Estrutura do past continuous - Affirmative
Sujeito + past verb to be + verbo -ing + complemento
Taylor was sleeping in the car.
Estrutura past continuous - Interrogative
Past verb to be + sujeito + verbo -ing + complemento ?
Were they playing chess?
Estrutura past continuous - Negative
Sujeito + past verb to be + not + verbo -ing + complemento
I was not ou wasn't running at the park.
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