
(Uel 1994) Two interesting ...... to visit in New York are Chinatown and Little Italy. In both of these sections of the city people speak their native language and keep many of their customs. In Chinatown, there are markets where you can buy Chinese food and hundreds of Chinese restaurants. Nearby is Little Italy with its wonderful Italian restaurants. The missing word is 

b) towns
d) shops
e)art galleries ​

Resposta :

⇒⇒  Text Comprehension

Two interesting areas to visit in New York are Chinatown and Little Italy. In both of these sections of the city people speak their native language and keep many of their customs. In Chinatown, there are markets where you can buy Chinese food and hundreds of Chinese restaurants. Nearby is Little Italy with its wonderful Italian restaurants. The missing word is:

a) museums

b) towns

c) areas  √

d) shops

e) art galleries ​

Alternativa correta letra ''c''  >>  areas

Justificativa:  Chinatown e Little Italy são bairros de New York e ambos pertencem ao distrito de Manhattan

Duas áreas interessantes para serem visitadas  em Nova York são Chinatown e Little Italy. Nas duas áreas  da cidade as pessoas falam seus idiomas nativos e muitos de seus costumes ainda estão mantidos. Em Chinatown, há mercados onde você pode comprar comida chinesa e centenas de restaurantes chineses. Próximo dali,  está Little Italy com seus maravilhosos restaurantes italianos.

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