1- De acordo com a regra Simples Past o verbo ( DRY ) tem a sua grafia correta na frase : a) Maria dryed her hair with a towel. b) Maria dried her hair with a towel. c) Maria dry her hai with a towel. d) Maria dryied her hai with a towel.
2- O verbo ( PLAY ) completaa frase no Simples Past na alternativa: We _________ volleyball when we were kids.
a) played b) playied c) plaied d) play
3- Marque a opção correta do uso do verbo no Simples Past: He __________ the trip. ( plan )
a) planied b) planed c) planned d) planny
4- Complete os espaços em branco com a conjugação correta do Simples Present: a) Cayo _________ to the College tonight. (go) b) My parents _________ Italian and French classes on Thursdays every week. (have) c) Louise _________ at the Brad's Office. ( work) d) I _________ bread with nuts jelly every morning. (eat) e) The plain _________ at 08: 00 in the city. (arrive)