Resposta :
⇒⇒ Quantifiers - Indefinite pronouns
1) Escolha a melhor opção para as seguintes sentenças
I don't have to pay anything for the tickets. They are free.
2) Escolha a melhor opção para as seguintes sentenças
I think the train isn't here. There is nobody on the platform
3. Escolha a melhor opção para as seguintes sentenças
He can't take the box. There is anything in it.
4. Escolha a melhor opção para as seguintes sentenças
Does anybody have Odilia's phone number?
→→ Anything
→ em frases afirmativas >> qualquer coisa
You can say anything you want.
→ em frases negativas >> nada
I didn't say anything.
⇒⇒ Indefinite pronouns / Pronomes indefinidos
→ something - alguma coisa
David is looking for something special.
→ somewhere - em algum lugar
I left my keys somewhere I don't remember now.
→ somebody - alguém - em frases afirmativas
There is somebody in the living room.
→ anybody - para perguntar se há alguém ou em negação - ninguém
Is there anybody in the living room?
No, there isn't anybody there.
→ nobody - ninguém (não pode usar NOT junto com ''nobody'')
There is nobody in the living room. CORRETO
There isn't nobody in the living room. ERRADO
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