
1) complete com a forma correta do verbo to be (am,is,pre) para expressar ações futuras:

a) he going tô study geograply
b) they going tô watch a novie
c) she going to dance
d) we going tô travel
e) th going tô rain
f) I going tô read newspapers

2) complete com os verbos no futuro imediato (going to)

a) th ( to rain )
b) they to eat pizza
c) I baseboll ( to play )
d) we you ( no‐to‐help )
e) Jack um the Park ( to walk )
f) they water ( no‐to‐drink )
g) her clothes ( she to wash )
h) hes car ( he to sell )
i) we tomarra ( no‐to‐sutim )
j) to point the wall? ( You‐to‐ponit )

3) passe as frases para as formas interrogativos e negativas:

a) I am going to read a magazine.



b) She is going.



Resposta :


1- a) he is going to study geography.

b) they are going to watch a movie.

c) she is going to dance.

d) we are going to travel.

e) (desculpa eu não entendi o que você escreveu)

f) I am going to read newspapers.

2- a) (desculpa, mas eu não entendi esse também)

b) they are going to eat pizza.

c) I am going to play baseball.

d) we are not going to help you.

e) Jack is going to walk in the park.

f) they are not going to drink water.

g) she is going to wash her clothes.

h) he is going to sell his car.

i) (?)

j) are you going to paint the wall?

3- a) interrogativo: am i going to read a megazine?

negativo: I am not going to read a megazine.

b) interrogativo: is she going?

negativo: she is not going.

