
All over the world, children in hospital are being treated with a new kind of medicine: laughter. Lucy is 23 and works for Theodora Children's Trust. She is one of many clown doctors who bring a smile to the faces of sick children.

1) Copie do texto o talento da garota.

2) Where does she work?

3) Retire do texto:
a) O verbo/ estar.​

Resposta :


1) She is one of many clown doctors who bring a smile to the faces of sick children. (basically her talent is making children smile)

2) Theodora Children's Trust

3) Lucy is, she is, children in hospital are  (eu não entendi muito bem essa questão, bem ,meio que o verbo <estar> é o <to be>)

No simple present, o verbo to be se conjuga desta maneira:

I am - Eu sou/estou.

He is - Ele é/está

She is - Ela é/está

It is - Ele e ela (coisas e animais) é/está

meio que isso

espero que ajude =)