Resposta :
⇒⇒ Present Continuous
B) What are you doing here? (to do)
C) My grandma is making my favorite cake. (to make)
D) I want to know what is happening here. (to happen)
E) I'm running at the park. (to run)
F) Are you studying Spanish now? (to study)
H) Kevin's planning to travel. (to plan)
I) At present he's still working there. (to work)
J) He's taking shower. (to take)
⇒⇒ Present continuous >>> expressa algo que está acontecendo no momento em que se fala. Normalmente, é usado ''now'' - agora, ''at the moment'' ou ''at this moment'' - no momento, no final da frase.
→ Estrutura present continuous - afirmativa
sujeito + verbo to be + verbo -ing + complemento
I am doing my homework now.
They are playing soccer now.
David is studying English.
I am preparing lunch now.
→ Para fazer a negativa >>> acrescenta ''not'' após o verbo ''to be''
I am not doing my homework now.
→ Para fazer a interrogativa >>> coloca o verbo ''to be'' no início da frase
Are they playing soccer now?
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