Me ajudem com a resposta dessas atividades

01. I went to the movies yesterday.
02. In the past people used to send letters, now we send emails.
03. The day before yesterday was monday, my birthday.
04. I finished the school 2 years ago.
05. I met new friends last week.
01. Vanessa, did your daughter travel to the moon?
A: No she didn't travel yet, she will travel next month.
02. David, did your children learn at the famous university?
A: Yes, they learned law at Harvard.
03. Henry, did you move to the mountains to live there?
A: Yes I did, is the perfect place to climb
04. Teacher did our history class start last tuesday?
A: Yes it did, let's remember what you learned.
05. Sue did you help the match teacher?
A: No I didn't, I arrived too late.
No exercício B apenas coloquei nomes no começo pois não específica como deve ser feito, então fiz de um jeito que fizesse sentido, espero ter ajudado