
Political corruption in BrazilBrazil’s mensalão trial has brought many historic moments (…) On November 12th José Dirceu, who served as a chief of staff for former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva from 2003 to 2005, was sentenced to ten years and ten months in jail for his part in the huge vote-buying scheme. Two other prominent members of the Workers’ Party (PT) also received stiff sentences: Delubio Soares, eight years and 11 months in prison, and José Genoino, sisx years and 11 months. The crimes were money-laudering, corruption, embezzlement and misuse of public money. But no one of those politicians was in the jail…(nov. 15th 2012, 14:00 by H.J. São Paulo)---O texto apresenta predominantemente estrutura do 

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