Resposta :
a- She's not telling a story.
b- They aren't waiting for me.
c- Mary's not singing a music.
d- You're not working
e- He's not cooking.
f- I'm not reading a book.
g- Anna and Bruce aren't wedding.
Explicação: Espero ter ajudado!
a) "She is telling a story."
Forma interrogativa: "Is she telling a story?"
Forma negativa: "She isn't telling a story."
b) "They are waiting for me."
Forma interrogativa: "Are they waiting for me?"
Forma negativa: "They aren't waiting for me."
c) "Mary is singing a music."
Forma interrogativa: "Is Mary singing a music?"
Forma negativa: "Mary isn't singing a music."
d) "You are working."
Forma interrogativa: "Are you working?"
Forma negativa: "You aren't working."
e) "He is cooking."
Forma interrogativa: "Is he cooking?"
Forma negativa: "He isn't cooking."
f) "I am reading a book."
Forma interrogativa: "Am I reading a book?"
Forma negativa: "I am not reading a book."
g) "Anna and Bruce are wedding."
Forma interrogativa: "Are Anna and Bruce wedding?"
Forma negativa: "Anna and Bruce aren't wedding."
Na forma interrogativa, você deve colocar o ponto de interrogação (?) no final e colocar o verbo to be (am, are, is) primeiro que a pessoa.
Na forma negativa apenas colocamos o "not" logo depois do verbo to be (no caso, coloquei abreviado "isn't, aren't"). Ex. sem abreviação: "She is not telling a story"; "They are not waiting for me".