
Leia o seguinte trecho sobre o uso do Simple Past em textos acadêmicos:
At the time you are writing your report, thesis, dissertation or article, you have already completed your study, so you should use past tense in your methodology section to record what you did, and in your results section to report what you found.
Analise agora os seguintes exemplos:
The ancient Chinese asserted that they possessed a sophisticated culture, a written language, as well as magnificent cities and palaces [...]. Moreover, the study reports that there are three risk reduction strategies affecting risk perception [...]. Many of the interviewees stated that they tended to try out things that were seemingly difficult thanks to their STEAM experience.
Assinale a alternativa correta com relação às estruturas da língua inglesa.
a. Há uso do Simple Past nos exemplos 1, 2 e 3.
b. Há uso do Simple Past nos exemplos 1 e 2.
c. Há uso do Simple Past nos exemplos 2 e 3.
d. Há uso do Simple Past nos exemplos 1 e 3.
e. Não há uso do Simple Past nos exemplos.

Resposta :


1 e 3


São as únicas alternativas com verbos no passado e verbos regulares (ED)


1. The ancient Chinese asserted that they possessed a sophisticated culture, a written language, as well as magnificent cities and palaces

2. Moreover, the study reports that there are three risk reduction strategies affecting risk perception

3. Many of the interviewees stated that they tended to try out things that were seemingly difficult thanks to their STEAM experience.

D. Há uso do Simple Past nos exemplos 1 e 3.