
I wonder what your opinion on the following topic is. (Eu me pergunto qual é a sua opinião sobre o seguinte tópico.)
"It is important to have healthy food habits, but at the same time, it is wrong to force someone to eat what they don't like'' (“É importante ter hábitos alimentares saudáveis, mas ao mesmo tempo, é errado forçar alguém a comer o que não gosta '') min 6 linhas

Resposta :

Having a good diet is a good way to have a healthier life, but that doesn't mean you wont be able to eat the things you like, you'll just have to balance eating what you like with what you don't like. You may also end up liking some of the healthier foods, it doesn't mean they taste badly just because they're healthy. About forcing someone to eat what they don't they like, like i said earlier, you don't need to stop eating what you like. Sure they may not like it, but having a better diet helps one become a healthier individual, going to the point of preventing certain diseases.