
Reescreva as frases seguintes na forma negativa (N) e na forma interrogativa (I):

a- Mr. Brown is going to sell his house.
N. ___________________________
I. ____________________________

b- I am going to move to another town.
N. ___________________________
I. ____________________________

c- You are going to help me.
N. ___________________________
I. ____________________________

d- I am going to help me.
N. ___________________________
I. ____________________________

Me ajudem pfv é pra agora!!!!!!!​

Resposta :


a) Negativa: Mr.Brown is not going to sell his house.

Interrogativa: Is Mr.Brown going to sell his house?

b) Negativa: I am not going to move to another town.

Interrogativa: Am i going to move to another town?

c) Negativa: You are not going to help me

Interrogativa: Are you going to help me?

d) Negativa: I am not going to help me

Interrogativa: Am i going to help me?


Espero ter ajudado....

Bons Estudos!!! =)