
alguem sabe responder?​

Alguem Sabe Responder class=

Resposta :

1. The doctors'/doctor's wife is a friend of mine.

2. The womens' / women's husbands are waiting.

3. My fathers/ father's car is in the garage.

4. The boys' / boy's bicycles are outside.

5. The children's / childrens' toys are in the basket.

Example: We are having a children's party on Sunday.

1. Do you know John? He's David and Steve's father.

2. I borrowed James' car.

3. My sister-in-law's family is very artistic.

4. Bob and Jane's fathers are both architects.

5. I'm going to Grandma's. Do you want to come with me?

Example: What's the name of your mother? What's your mother's name?

1. What's your parents' favorite pastime?

2. What's the actress' new film?

3. What is your father-in-law's job?

4. Which are Fred and Eric's cars?