1.complete o texto com os verbos no Presente Continuou (drink- eat- have- listen- play- rain- read- sit- talk- write) Hi everyone. We're on holiday in Germany but the weather is bad today.It___________. We________in a café at the moment. I've got my computer and I_________my blog My sister________to music. My brothers aren't in the café. They___________ football in the rain! My mum__________to her friends on the phone. And my dad? He_________the newspaper. Oh yes, and my grandparents are here too. They___________ cakes! I haven't got a cake but I___________ fruit juice. l like it! We__________a good time PESSOAL POR FAVOR ME AJUDEM, É UMA RECUPERAÇÃO PARA ENTREGAR HOJE OS MEUS 24 PONTOS PARA PASSAR NESSA MATÉRIA DEPENDE DESSA RECUPERAÇÃO ME AJUDEMM!