Resposta :
⇒⇒ Past continuous
39. Choose the alternative that best completes the sentences below. Consider the Past continuous.
I. I listen to the radio everyday, but I was not listening to it yesterday.
II. I was going jogging when it started rainning.
III. The children were playing outside.
a) was not listening / were going / was playing
b) were listening / was going / were playing
c) was not listen / weren’t go / was play
d) was listening / were going / were playing
e) was not listening / was going / were playing √
40. Choose the alternative that best completes the sentences below. Consider the conjugation of regular verbs in the Simple Past.
I. She cooked dinner for us last night. (cook)
II. We tried to arrive on time, but we couldn’t. (try)
III. Her mother cried a lot after watching that movie. (cry)
IV. The kids stopped to grab some food. (stop)
V. My father liked his new car a lot. (like)
a) cooks / tries / cries / stops / likes
b) cookd / tryed / cries / stoped / like
c) cooked / tried / cryed / stopd / liked
d) cooked / tried / cried / stopped / liked √
e) cookd / tryed / cries / stops / like
⇒⇒ Past continuous >>> descreve ações que estavam acontecendo no passado ao mesmo tempo em que outro fato acontecia ou tinha acabado de acontecer.
→ Estrutura do past continuous - afirmativa
Subject + Past to be (was - were) + verbo -ing + complemento
She was studying when she saw the dog.
Ela estava estudando quando ela viu o cachorro.
→ Estrutura past continuous - interrogativa
was / were + sujeito + verbo -ing + complemento
Were you playing soccer?
→ Estrutura past continuous - negativa
sujeito + was / were + not + verbo -ing + complemento
John was not running at the park.
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