Frase longa que teve início no passado e foi interrompida por outra ação curta. (conectá-las com WHILE ou WHEN)

⇒⇒ Past continuous
I was cleaning the kitchen when my brother arrived.
David was going to work when he saw Emily.
It was raining when I got home.
The kids were watching TV when their father called them.
Susan was studying while I was playing video game.
My parents were going to the grocery while I was cleaning the yard.
I was listening to music while you were doing your homework.
Peter was taking a shower while I was washing my car.
➡️ Past Continuous >> descreve ações que estavam acontecendo no passado ao mesmo tempo em que outro fato acontecia.
John was driving when he saw David.
John was reading a book while his brother was playing video game.
Obs.: as duas frases são ligadas por ''when'' ou ''while''
Subject + was - were + verbo -ing + when + verbo passado
She was studying when she saw the dog.
Ela estava estudando quando ela viu o cachorro.
Subject + was - were + verbo -ing + while + verbo -ing
David was sleeping while his father was watching TV.
David estava dormindo enquanto seu pai estava assistindo TV.
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