What is a fable? A fable is usually a story about animals. It is a way of telling people what is wrong and what is right without being severe. In a fable, the animals do good things and wicked things, clever things and silly things. But these are actually the things that people do. About two thousand years ago, in Ir dia, Vishnu Sharma used these stories to teach children how to live and behave in the world. Later, others like Aesop of Ancient Greece, Phaedrus of ancient Rome, and in the 17th century, Jean de a Fontaine, from France, also wrote and collected such tales. Tale - historia Wicked - ruim Clever - inteligente Silly-bobo Actually - realmente 1) Sobre o texto "Wat's is a fable", escreva "T" (true) ou “F” (false). a) ( )As fábulas são contadas apenas sobre histórias de animais. b) () As fábulas geralmente ensinam alguma coisa. c) () As fábulas são muito antigas. d) ( ) Vishnu Sharma usava as fábulas para ensinar as crianças sobre a vida. e) ( ) Em uma fábula os animais sempre fazem coisas ruins e bobas. f) ( ) Jean de la Fontaine é um escritor contemporâneo.