
4) Na 3 pessoa singular, troca-se o “y” por “ies” quando o “y” for

a) Precedido por vogal ou por uma consoante.

b) Precedido por vogal.

c) Precedido por consoante.

d) None of the above.

5) The numbers: 15, 30, 40 e 50 in cardinal are

a) Fiveteen, thirty, forty and fifty

b) Fifteen, thirty, forty and fifty

c) Fifteen, thirdy, forty and fivety

d) Fifteen, thirty, fourty and fifty

e) None of the above.

6) UNESP 1985

Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a

sentença a seguir:

Most people cannot learn verbs without __________ them.

a) to study

b) studying

c) study

d) studied

e) studies

7) Qual a pergunta para a resposta: “ Yes, she studies English, but she does not study Spanish”.

a) Do she studi English and Spanish?

b) Does she study English and Spanish?

c) Does she studies English and Spanish?

d) Do she study English and Spanish?

e) None of the above.

Resposta :


4 letra (C)

5 letra (D)

6 letra (A)

7 letra (A)


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