
ajudaaa plzz

3 - Leia o trecho da entrevista de Gisele Bündchen e responda as perguntas. Observe as question words e as
frases destacadas no texto.
She was up the next day, cooking and wandering around the vast apartment where her mother is staying in
the guest room to help out—―I don't trust anyone else with Benjamin, except my mother.‖ She's
regained her figure, apparently instantly and with no more exercise than some yoga on a mat in the living
room. ―I think it's muscle memory,‖ she says. Gisele has always been in shape: Born one of six girls in the
German-speaking hamlet of Horizontina in southern Brazil, she spent her childhood outdoors, ―like a
little monkey, jumping from tree to tree in bare feet.‖ An athlete, she was captain of her volleyball team and
hasn't stopped. ―I did kung fu up until two weeks before Benjamin was born, and yoga three days a
week. I think a lot of people get pregnant and decide they can turn into garbage disposals. I was mindful
about what I ate, and I gained only 30 pounds.‖
a) Who do you trust with Benjamim? ____________________________________________________
b) Where were you born? ______________________________________________________________
c) What did you do until the baby was born? _______________________________________________
d) How many pounds did you gain when you were pregnant?

Resposta :



a) Who do you trust with Benjamim?  (Em quem você confia o Benjamim?)

Resposta: my mother (minha mãe).

b) Where were you born? (Onde você nasceu?)

Resposta:  German-speaking hamlet of Horizontina in southern Brazil (comunidade de língua alemã de Horizontina, no sul do Brasil).

c) What did you do until the baby was born? (O que você fez até o dia do nascimento do bebê?)

Resposta: I did kung fu up until two weeks before Benjamin was born, and yoga three days a week. (Eu fiz kung fu até duas semanas antes de Benjamin nascer, e ioga três dias por semana semana).

d) How many pounds did you gain when you were pregnant? (Quantas libras você ganhou durante a gravidez?)

Resposta: I gained only 30 pounds. (Ganhei apenas 30 libras).

uma libra vale 454 gramas aproximadamente.

então 30 libras x 454 = 13.620 garmas ou 13,620 kg.