Resposta :
1)Faça as comparações de acordo com os sinais – inferioridade + superioridade = igualdade
1. My brother is stupider/more stupid than (stupid+) me.
2. This exercise is less difficult than (difficult- ) I expected.
3. You are better (good +) at gymnastics
than me.
4. I am smarter than (smart+) you.
5. The neighbour's car is a lot faster than (fast +) ours !
6. My dog is more intelligent than (intelligent + ) my cat.
7. My mother is as nice as (nice = ) my father.
8. My house is bigger than (big+) my grandparents’.
9. Doing the housework is more boring than (boring+) doing sports.
10. Our school isn’t as big as (big=) the one in the city centre.
11. The swimming pool is a lot farther (far+) from our house than the cinema.
12. Pupils are (ta. ?????