
Transforme as frases em interrogativas no passado (DID) :
A) She Watched the new film.
B) You walked on the street.
C) It opened the door.
D) They studied Mathematics.

Transforme as frases em frases negativas e no passado (didn't) :
A) They *Closed* the store
B) Camila *Arrived* today
C) Mike *brushed* the tooth
D) The girl *cooked* the tooth .

Resposta :


A) She Watched the new film.        

   Did she watch the new film?

B) You walked on the street.

    Did you walk on the street?

C) It opened the door.

    Did it open the door?

D) They studied Mathematics.

    Did they study Mathematics?

Transforme as frases em frases negativas e no passado (didn't) :

A) They *Closed* the store

   They  didn't  close the store.

B) Camila *Arrived* today

   Camila didn't arrive today.

C) Mike *brushed* the tooth

   Mike didn't brush the tooth.

D) The girl *cooked* the tooth .

   The girl didn't cook the tooth .


Bom estudo.