
I - Escolha a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas.
1 - We have to do something about pollution. _____ hurts all of _____. a) We / us b) It / us c) It / we d) It / them e) They / them
2- The dogs are angry , feed _________soon.
a) they b) it c) its d ) them e ) you
II –Use the correct alternative
1 -_______Like London. ( I / me )
2.The children are as hungry as ________ . we / us.
3 -All the students passed except_________I / me.
4.___________ love vegan food. They / them
5 -.: Is that the doctor ? : Yes,that’s__________ he / him.
6 -.We all like cake excepts___________ she / her.
7 -.________ will get a new phone soon. He / Him
8 -.Could you pass the coffee to____________? her / he