
escreva em inglês 5 frases afirmativa, 5 frases negativas e 5 frases interrogativas no simple present

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Frases interrogativas:

1. what car is that?

2.how much (how many water did you drink?)

3.can (may) is drink some water, teacher?

4.may I go to the bathroom?

5.whats your name?

Frases negativas

1.i don't like to eat bread.

2.she isn't here.

3.i don't like to study.

4.we are not eating.

5.i don't like to sleep early.

Frases afirmativas

1.she plays basketball very well

2.they usually do their homework

3.she works a lot

4.he always readt the newspaper

5.he watche his favorite show everynight

Espero ter ajudado vc.