
Completa “question Tag” adequado:
a) Kri and Lia plays volley, .........................?
b) Paul buys candies with his mother , ............?
c) Mary and Peter don’t run at night , ...............................?
d) There is a pen here,.............................?
e) We study English ,................................?l
III. Usa nas lacunas abaixo : “also, too e as well “:
a) She wants to buy a new computer .........
b) I love pizza. Me .............
c) She is .......... learning English.
d) He likes to play soccer
e) We, ................., went to the concert last Saturday

Resposta :


a) don’t they? (Kris e Lia = elas)

b) don’t they? (Paul e sua mãe = eles)

c) isn’t it? (Caneta = objeto - it)

d) don’t we? (We = nós - do/don’t)

III. a) too

b) too

c) also

d) too

e) as well