
1complete com hás ou haver: a- she_________ three dogs b- we_________ a good relationship c- they_________ a house on the Beach d- i_________two sisters e- he________a great voice f- Pamela_________a good job

Resposta :


Antes de responder vamos ver quando utilizamos has e have :)

Has: Usamos has quando estamos nos referindo a “he/she/it”(he has, she has, it has).

Have: Usamos have quando estamos nos referindo a “I/you/we/they”(I have, you have, we have, they have).

Agora vamos responder!

A) has

B) have

C) have

D) have

E) has

F) Has


A- Has

B- Have

C- Have

D- Have

E- Has
