
1) Complete as frases com o pronome possessivo correto levando em consideração as

informações que podem ser obtidas nas frases.

a) I have a cat. That cat is _______.

b) She bought a car. This car is ________.

c) They have a house. That house is _______.

d) Max and I have a cousin. The cousin is____.

e) The horse has a carrot. The carrot is _____

f) Bob has a bike. The bike is________.

g) My brother has a dog. The dog is_______.

h) My pencil is broken. Can I borrow _______

i) Dani has already eaten her lunch and now she wants ________

j) Which shirt is yours? The black or the white?

The black is _____ and the white is _______.

k) That cellphone is _______, but this fone is not. Is this fone __________

No, this fone is not _________. por favor me ajudem