Resposta :
Oie! Boa noite!
Usamos "was" para:
I - he- she -it
Usamos "were" para:
You- we - you - they
The changed I _was_ born in Maringá but my brother and sister born in Curitiba. When we left Maringá my father _was_ 40th years old, my mother _was_ 41th and my sister _was_ 20th. We _were_ very happy in Maringá but my father changed the job. So we had to change. After we got Curitiba. We know a lot of friends so we still very happy yet. *
Ps: Não existe "borned", o certo é born!
Resposta: WAS- WAS - WAS - WAS - WERE
Espero ter ajudado :)