
Unscramble: 1) Father, I, with, speak, my, English I speak English with my father. 2) Don't, cheese, eat, I. 3) With, speak, mother, I, my. 4) Bread, you, and, eat, ham. 5) Don't, with, my, speak, daugther, I, Spanish. 6) Eat, I, Bread, don't​

Resposta :


1 I speak english with my father

2 I don't eat cheese

3 I speak with my mother

4 you eat bread and ham

5 I dont speak spanish with my daugther

6 I don't eat bread



1-(ja está feito) I speak English with my father.

2- I don't eat cheese.

3- I speak with my mother.

4- You eat bread and ham.

5- I don't speak spanish with my daugther.

6- I don't eat bread.

espero ter ajudado :)