
Construa um frase em inglês para cada mês do ano:

Resposta :


janeiro: January is the first month of the year.

fevereiro:February is the smallest month of the year as it has 28 days.

março:On March 11,2020 covid was classified as a pandemic by the OMS

abril:April has 30 days.

maio:Mother's day in Brazil takes place on the second Sunday of may

junho:In june, an event called Festa Junina takes place in Brazil

julho:July is the seventh month of the year

agosto:On august 11,student's day is celebrated.

setembro:On september 7th,the independence of Brazil is celebrated

Outubro:October is the month to fight breast cancer

novembro:November is the eleventh month

dezembro:Christmas is celebrated in December


Espero ter ajudado :)