
4) Complete with DO or DOES (0.4 a) b c) d) you like fruit? he drink coffee? they go to the park? she work on Saturdays? you study at night?​

Resposta :

• Do you like fruit ?

• Does he drink coffee ?

• Do they go to the park ?

• Does she work on Saturdays ?

• Do you study at night ?  

⟩⟩ No Simple Present para fazermos sentenças interrogativas é necessário o uso do verbo auxiliar do” na 3ª fica “does”.

⟩⟩ Uso do auxiliar “do” antes dos sujeito {I, you, we, they}.

  • Do I work ?
  • Do you work ?
  • Do we work ?
  • Do they work ?

⟩⟩ Uso do auxiliar “does” antes dos sujeitos {he, she, it}.

  • Does he study ?
  • Does she study ?
  • Does it study ?

||Espero ter ajudado!

||Bons estudos//

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