simple present tense me ajudem

2)Has dinner
6)comes back
8.1) lives // does // like
8.2) Does // get // gets // drops
8.3) Does // like // doesn't like // does // eat // is
Obs.: Cada "//" significa que mudou de lacuna.
1) Complete the sentences using the verbs in parentheses in the simple present tense.
a) Sometimes you arrive at work late.
b) Grandpa seldom has dinner.
c) Mr. Brown Always flies to New York.
d) Mr. Guilliver plays volleyball every Saturday.
e) I usually work in the aftermoon.
f) She comes back to New York every year.
g) The children watches TV every night.
h) Bob and I always study after classes.
i) He has two brothers and one sister.
2) Complete the dialogs using the verbs in parentheses in the simple present tense.
a) -Sam lives in New York.
- And Shirley? Does she lives in New York too?
- Yes, she live.
b) - Does William always get home late?
- No, he never gets home late.
- But it is ten o'clock already!
- Oh, sorry! On Fridays he usually drops his friends off at their houses first.
c) -Does Paul like Italian food?
- No, he doesn't any kind of pasta.
- What kind of food does he usually eat?
- He does Brazilian food.