
3. Now read the text and, do the activities that follow. Magazine, website & books written by teens since 1989 Are We Doing Enough? Our lives, futures and planet are in danger! By polluting the air, illegally disposing of toxic waste and burning rainforests, we are damaging our world, and what is the world doing? Is it doing all that it can and should? The very simple answer is no.
a) According to the text.
De acordo com o texto
I. we are not conserving the planet.
II. we are not damaging our world.
III.we are not putting our future in danger.​

Resposta :


A primeira alternativa.


Pois no texto, está falando que estamos poluindo o ar, jogando lixo ilegalmente, e o final, se estamos tentando melhorar essa situação, ou seja a primeira alternativa (I).