
) Choose the correct demonstrative pronoun to complete the sentences.(Escolha o pronme demonstrativo correto para completar as sentenças.) a. (These/This) are the shoes I like. b. (This/That) car over there(lá) is the best. c. (These/Those) books right here(aqui) are mine(meus). d. (That/Those) shop(loja) across(outro lado) the street(rua) sells(vende) clothes. e. (Those/This) students over there(ali, acolá) are my friends. Agora marque a alternativa correta. *
1 ponto
(A)This- That- Those- That- This
(B) These- That- These- That- Those
(C)This- This- These- That- This
(D)These- This- These- That- This​

Resposta :


Alternativa B- These- That- These- That- Those

These are the shoes I like.

That car over there is the best.

These books right here are mine.

That shop across the street sells clothes.

Those students over there are my friends.


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