Resposta :
- Was Janes nervous for the test?
- Robert was my best friend.
- Were my parents very important to me?
- Rian was not a gossip boy.
- Were the students in London now?
- I was not confused by this text.
- You and I were not anxious boys.
- The bird was in the blue house.
- Was She sad today?
- Was Adele my favorite singer?
- was not the dog in your room?
- Were we in New York or London?
- Were Cassy and Jorge in school or in the movies?
- Was the girl hungry or thirsty?
- You were not sisters. Were you cousins?
- Was I an interesting person?
- they were dedicated students?
- Herik was not funny.
- Was it a mess?
- Was it open or closed?
Não sei se era disso que você precisava,
mas espero ter ajudado.
Bons estudos!