Brunamc27go Brunamc27go Inglês Respondido In the year 1878 I took my degree of Doctor of medicine at the University of Londo, and went to Nefey, where I took the course prescribed for surgeons in the army.When I finished my studies there, I was immediately designated to the 5 th Regiment of Northumberland Fusiliers as an Assistante Surgeon. But, latery, in the Maiwand Batle, I was shot on the shoulder. I was sent to to the Base Hospital of Peshawar.While I was there, I got a typhoid fever. When I was finally recovering the doctors saw that I was so week that I had to go back to England. My health was permanently ruined, but with permission from a paternal government to spend the next nine months in attempting to improve it.1) Retire do texto 5 verbos que estão no passado e escreva-os: ___________, ___________, ___________, ___________, ___________.