
The Importance of Happiness in Adolescence By Blythe Grossberg. Updated January 15, 2020. The benefits of a happy adolescence transcend the teenage years. As reported in many recent news articles, studies such as one conducted by University College London and the University of Warwick that looked at a survey of 10,000 Americans have found that happy teens reported higher incomes by the time they reached age 29. In fact, very happy teens earned 30 percent more than their less happy peers, even considering other variables such as IQ and levels of education. While there is no doubt that adolescence can at times be difficult, there is also ample data that it can be a time of creativity, compassion, and connection to adults and peers. Studies also show that it is vital for teens to experience happiness for their future well-being. Interestingly, income had little effect on teens’ happiness. While extreme poverty can affect children’s happiness, teenagers do not need to be wealthy to feel happy. Teens tend to value the increased social activities that increased income can afford them rather than valuing the increased income for its own sake. Teens are happiest when connecting to others, not necessarily when purchasing goods. 1 — O que novos artigos e estudos falam sobre a importância da felicidade na adolescência/juventude? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 2 — Afinal, a adolescência é um período feliz ou um tempo difícil da vida de uma pessoa? Explique a oração: “... adolescence can at times be difficult, there is also ample data that it can be a time of creativity, compassion, and connection to adults and peers”. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 3 — Nesse texto, como é explicada a relação renda/ dinheiro que se tem e a felicidade? Justifique sua resposta. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 4— Dê seu posicionamento sobre a oração: “Teens are happiest when connecting to others, not necessarily when purchasing goods”.​

Resposta :


1- adolescentes felizes relataram rendas mais altas quando alcançaram a idade de 29 anos. Na verdade, adolescentes muito felizes ganhavam 30 por cento a mais do que seus pares menos felizes

2- está falando que a adolescência na adolescência pode ser difícil as vezes. mais é uma fase de criatividade e descobrir novas coisas

4- isso é individual pois tem adolescentes que preferem o produto/material. e outros preferem está com os amigos.