Resposta :
1 –
a) The girl STUDIES every day. (The girl = she)
b) John SLEEPS a lot. (John = he)
c) My students PLAY soccer. (My students = they)
d) The teachers READ books every class. (The teachers = they)
e) It DRINKS milk and water.
f) I and my friends TALK at school. (My friends and I = we)
g) I LIVE near the lake.
h) Ana Clara GOES to school by bus. (Ana Clara = she)
i) The sun SHINES a lot. (The sun = it)
j) John WATCHES TV at night. (John = he)
2 – Passe as frases do exercício 1 para a forma negativa.
- The girl doesn't study every day.
- John doesn't sleep at lot.
- My students don't play soccer.
- The teachers don't read books every class.
- It doesn't drink milk and water.
- My friends and I don't talk at school
- I don't live near the lake.
- Ana Clara doesn't go to school by bus.
- The sun doesn't shine a lot.
- John doesn't watch TV at night.
3 – Passe as frases do exercício 1 para a forma interrogativa.
- Does the girl study every day?
- Does John sleep a lot
- Do my students play soccer?
- Do the teachers read books every class.
- Does it drink milk and water?
- Do I live near the lake?
- Do I and my friends talk at school?
- Does Ana Clara go to school by bus?
- Does the sun shine a lot?
- Does John watch TV at night?
4 – Traduzir as frases do exercício 1.
- A garota estuda todo dia.
- John dorme muito.
- Meus alunos jogam futebol.
- Os professores leem livros em toda classe.
- Isso bebe leite e água.
- Eu e meus amigos falamos na escola.
- Eu vivo perto do lago.
- Ana Clara vai para a escola de ônibus.
- O sol brilha muito.
- John vê TV a noite.
No Simple Present deve-se usar os verbos no infinitivo (sem o to) no caso dos pronomes I, you, we e they, porém acrescentar -s, -es ou -ies no caso dos pronomes he, she e it:
Verbos terminados em -o, -z, -ss, -ch, -sh, -x
, acrescentar -es no final do verbo.
Verbos terminados em -y precedido de vogal, acrescenta-se somente o -s.
Verbos terminados em -y precedido de consoante
, retira-se o -y e acrescenta-se -ies