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1 - a) Healthy = Healthier
b) Quiet = Quieter
c) Fast = Faster
d) Hot = Hotter
c) Difficult = More difficult
e) Noisy = Noisier
2 - a) Fruits and vegetables are healthier than chips.
b) The countryside is quieter than cities.
c) Racing cars are faster than normal cars.
d) Jamaica is hotter than England.
e) Level 6 maths is more difficult than level 2.
f) Play time at school is noisier than lesson times.
3- a) Velma is shorter than Daphne.
b) Velma is fatter than Daphne.
c) Daphne is more beautiful than Velma.
d) Velma is more intelligent than Daphne.
e) Velma is better at solving mysteries than Daphne.
f) Daphne has more money than Velma.
g) Daphne is worse at finding clues than Velma.
h) Daphne is more elegant than Velma.
i) Velma is more educated than Daphne.
j) Daphne has more modern clothes than Velma.
4- a) Fred is shorter than Shaggy.
b) Fred is braver than Shaggy.
c) Shaggy is funnier than Fred.
d) Fred is stronger than Shaggy.
e) Shaggy is greedier than Fred.
f) Fred is clever than Shaggy.
g) Shaggy is worse at driving than Fred.
h) Fred is more arrogant than Shaggy.
i) Shaggy is thinner than Fred.
j) Shaggy is more fearful than Fred.
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