Resposta :
A) jane was not/wasn’t help her mother in the kitchen
Was jane help her mother in the kitchen?
B) he was not/wasn’t the most important person at the time
Was he the most important person at the time?
C) I was not/wasn’t speaking about you
Was I speaking about you?
D) I think it was not/wasn’t a nice panty
Was I think it a nice panty?
E) the baby was not/wasn’t sleeping like an angel
Was the baby sleeping like an angel?
G) marcos and david were not/weren’t at the club yesterday
Were marcos and david at the club yesterday?
H) the girls were not/weren’t at school in the morning
Were the girls at school in the morning?
I) my dog was not/wasn’t sick last week
Was my dog sick last week?
J) rita was not/wasn’t in rio de janeiro last december
Was rita in rio de janeiro last december?
Was jane help her mother in the kitchen?
B) he was not/wasn’t the most important person at the time
Was he the most important person at the time?
C) I was not/wasn’t speaking about you
Was I speaking about you?
D) I think it was not/wasn’t a nice panty
Was I think it a nice panty?
E) the baby was not/wasn’t sleeping like an angel
Was the baby sleeping like an angel?
G) marcos and david were not/weren’t at the club yesterday
Were marcos and david at the club yesterday?
H) the girls were not/weren’t at school in the morning
Were the girls at school in the morning?
I) my dog was not/wasn’t sick last week
Was my dog sick last week?
J) rita was not/wasn’t in rio de janeiro last december
Was rita in rio de janeiro last december?
1- Forma Negativa
2- Forma Interrogativa
a) Jane wasn't helping her mother in the kitchen.
Was Jane helping her mother in the kitchen?
b) he wasn't the most important person at the time.
Was he the most important person at the time?
c) I wasn't speaking about you.
Was I speaking about you?
d) I drink it wasn't a nice panty.
I drink, Was it a nice panty? (fiquei confuso nessa aqui).
e) The baby wasn't sleeping like an angel.
Was the baby sleeping like an angel?
g) Marcos and David weren't at the club yesterday
Were Marcos and David at the beach yesterday?
h) The girls weren't at school in the morning.
Were the girls at school in the morning?
i) My dog wasn't sick last week.
Was my dog sick last week?
J) Rita wasn't in Rio de Janeiro last December.
Was Rita in Rio de Janeiro last December?
Negative form (forma negativa).
Para formar a negativa, basta acrescentarmos not após o verbo:
Ex= They are not at school. (Eles não estão na escola.) > They were not at school. (Eles não estavam na escola)
Formas contraídas também podem ser utilizadas com o uso do apóstrofe (').
Was not= Wasn't
Were not= Weren't
Interrogative form (forma interrogativa).
Para a construção da forma interrogativa, a flexão verbal was/were deve ser posicionada antes do sujeito:
Ex= She is at school (Ela está na escola) > Was she at school? (Ela estava na escola?)
Espero ter ajudado :)