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Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee on Industrial Change in the Mechanical Engineering Sector. (...) 2. Strategic importance 2.1 The mechanical engineering sector plays a crucial role in the European economy for a number of reasons: 2.1.1 Mechanical engineering is a strategic industry: it is a high added-value, knowledge-intensive sector which supplies all other sectors of the economy with the machines, production systems, components and associated services, as well as technology and knowledge they need. It is also considered an important contribution to sustainable development because it can result in more efficient production and, in this way, in the decoupling of resource use from economic growth. Mechanical engineering is not a homogeneous but a very diversified industry which covers a wide range of sub-sectors, including: lifting and handling equipment; machine tools; woodworking machinery; non-domestic cooling and ventilation equipment; pumps and compressors; machinery for mining, quarrying and construction; bearings, gears, gearing and driving elements; taps and valves, engines and turbines; agricultural and forestry machinery; machinery for textile, apparel and leather production; machinery for food, beverage and tobacco processing; agricultural equipment; machinery for paper and paperboard production; industrial furnaces and furnace burners; machinery for metallurgy, etc. In addition to all this, there are the common technologies, such as mechatronics, which combine mechanical and electronic elements. (…) 3. What needs to be done at European level 3.1 Industrial change and innovation 3.1.1 Industrial change and innovation in production and processing is the order of the day. Less sophisticated production, requiring less highly qualified operating personnel, is being increasingly outsourced to other parts of the world. In order to maintain and reinforce its position in the home market as well as abroad, ongoing adaptation and innovation in the sector is required. This should be a matter of concern for all parties involved at regional, national and EU level. (…) 3.2 Industrial change and skills. 3.2.1 There is a close interconnection between ‘new style’ industrial policies, innovation, creativity productivity and skills. 3.2.2 Nowadays young people are less inclined to study and to work in the technical industries, a phenomenon that has partly to do with an outdated image of industry. This calls for action focusing on new technologies by industry itself, supported by a cultural drive on the part of national and Community media, with a view to altering public perception. Good communication between companies and the public, particularly with youngsters, is crucial. A change of mentality and approach is needed to reverse current trends. Increased awareness of the reality of mechanical engineering is needed. This concerns the overall process of technology, business services, the chains of inter-related technologies, processing, marketing, internationalisation, etc. The better these inter-relations and excitingprocesses are presented, the more it will foster interest amongst the general public and young people in particular. 3.2.3 All improvements begin with innovative and challenging educational systems. Up-to-date modules have to be devised, also in companies themselves. Industry must be encouraged to 50 Fomento ao Uso das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação Inglês Instrumental cooperate closely with educational institutes, higher education establishments, and vocational training centres. Direct participation of managers in relevant educational programmes must be encouraged and, in return, teachers must be offered the opportunity of interaction with industry. Schools should be encouraged to exhibit at (international) business fairs. (…) 3.2.6 Effective coordination between industry (management, trade unions, staff) and educational establishments at all levels will reinforce regional specialties and, consequently, promote the formation and development of strong regional clusters. This coordination would be largely regional not only because of the enormous number of companies involved, but also because of the impact of regional specialities and differing cultures. SIGMUND, Anne-Marie. Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee on Industrial Change in the Mechanical Engineering Sector. Official Journal of the European Union, p. 9 – 15, 27.10.2005. Questões: a. Por que razão a engenharia mecânica é considerada uma indústria estratégica na Europa? b. Por que ela também é considerada uma contribuição importante para o desenvolvimento sustentável? c. O texto afirma que a engenharia mecânica não é uma indústria homogênea, mas sim muito diversificada, que cobre um amplo escopo de subsetores. Cite alguns desses subsetores mencionados no texto. D. Retire do texto os cognatos, verbos e advérbios: *​