
After reading your article about genetically modifield foods. I am sure that the public debate about this subject is too serious to be left to organizations that rate high in theatrics but low in public education. it genetically engineered and enriched food could help starving people around the world, it would be a pity to lose this opportunity because of some well-fed protesters in silly costumes.

Silvina B. Codina (Buenos Aires)

If the third world does not curb its exploding population growth, no amount of genetically altered food will save it. Family planning that will result in fewer children will improve the standard of living far more effectively that enriched rice.

EdwarRobb Vancouver

Depois de ler as 2 seguir e entender, responda as perguntas abaixo.

1- Considerando o teor das catas. Qual era o tema discutido no artigo em questão??

2- Com base em que hipótese Silvina B. constrói seu argumento??

3- As duas cartas assumem posições diferentes sobre o assinto em pauta. Qual é a posição de Edward??

After Reading Your Article About Genetically Modifield Foods I Am Sure That The Public Debate About This Subject Is Too Serious To Be Left To Organizations That class=

Resposta :

⇒⇒  Text Comprehension

Text 1

After reading your article about genetically modifield foods. I am sure that the public debate about this subject is too serious to be left to organizations that rate high in theatrics but low in public education. It genetically engineered and enriched food could help starving people around the world, it would be a pity to lose this opportunity because of some well-fed protesters in silly costumes. (Silvina B. Codina - Buenos Aires)

Text 2

If the third world does not curb its exploding population growth, no amount of genetically altered food will save it. Family planning that will result in fewer children will improve the standard of living far more effectively that enriched rice.  (EdwarRobb Vancouver)

1- Considerando o teor das cartas. Qual era o tema discutido no artigo em questão??

R.: Alimentos geneticamente modificados

2- Com base em que hipótese Silvina B. constrói seu argumento??

R.: Debate público sobre alimentos geneticamente modificados.

3- As duas cartas assumem posições diferentes sobre o assunto em pauta. Qual é a posição de Edward??

R.: Controle do crescimento populacional.

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