no texto há verbos no present continuous. Quais são eles??
Dylan is a Doctor. He looks afther sick people. He usually gets up at 6:00 o'clock. Today he is late, it is 6:30 and he is still in bed. He usually goes to work by train but today he is driving to work. He arrives at work at 6:30 every morning but it is 7:30 now and he is still driving.
It's 12:00 o'clock now. He always has his lunch at 12:00 but today he isn't having lunch at 12:00, he is looking after his sick patients. It is half past seven now, Dylan is watching TV. He usually watches TV at half past seven because his dinner at 8:30 everyday and he is having dinner now.
It is 24:00 now Dylan is going to bed. He always goes to bed at 24:00.